Guide Developing Quality Content Writing For SEO Content |
Rule 1: Engage Your Reader
Numerous people think that just having article after article loaded onto their website is going to make their website look authoritative and will have a positive impact within the major search engines. This is not necessarily true. Content that you place on your website needs to be done so that people learn some thing they didn't know already (i.e. informative). Additionally, studies have shown that a better strategy to follow is to add high quality, well-written content on one page, rather than breaking up content into multiple pages and implementing them within your website.
Rule 2: Use Keywords Strategically
Quality rules over quantity. Therefore, don't overload your content or body of text with the same keyword(s) over and over again. For example, if you are writing about roses, don't do something like this:
"Roses are a wonderful flower to work with. Roses are within the rose family and what's interesting about roses is that different roses have different colors. When roses were first discovered, they were immediately regarded as one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. There is nothing like a rose to make people feel happy. I know that any roses that I receive always make me smile. Roses are a great gift and also nice to bring loved ones."
This paragraph clearly illustrates keyword loading. As you read the text, you begin to notice the words "rose" and "roses" over and over again. It doesn't sound natural nor does it really provide any true editorial value. It meanders around talking about personal experiences with roses and no one is ever going to link to this (unless they are a family member or friend).
Rule 3: Create an Impact
Don't just state your opinion or make a comment about something. Create a unique perspective. Do research and really find out what both sides of the argument have to say. Simply stating your opinion (especially if you're not an authority on the subject matter) does not create something of value or make for a solid editorial reference, which is what you are trying to do with the content you write (i.e. link building).
Rule 4: Do Your Research
Research is vital to creating a piece that people will truly find valuable and worthy of sending along to their friends and colleagues. By taking time to do your research, you may possibly uncover an original reference or resource that will benefit your audience. Again, don't look at the research portion of writing good content as just another task. If you really can't stand doing research, then find a service or person who enjoys doing it and have them assist you.
Rule 5: Embed a Widget
If your job is to entice people to link to your site, then using widgets or items that allow them to share your content around is extremely important. Use services like ShareThis to allow people to either email, text, or share your content on 3rd party sites like Digg, Twitter, or Facebook. Another outstanding idea is to build your own widget and embed this into your writing piece. Brainstorm ideas for an interesting quiz or game that complement the theme of either your business or article idea. By doing this, you might have people link or send the page along even if they haven't completely read what you've written.
Rule 6: Use Effective Titles
The title of your content or article might seem like a small piece of the puzzle when it comes to making your content as SEO friendly as possible. However, it's a vital piece. If done correctly, your title will not only show up on the page itself, but it should also be reflected in the title tag of the html page, as well as the H1 tag. Additionally, if you've done your homework, there are ways for you to do some small amounts of mod rewrite to clean up the URLs, if you're using a CMS system such s a WordPress or Joomla. All of these tactics described above should be used when working with the title of your article or content. An effective title can also help you to rank higher in organic search engine listings.
Secondly, titles represent your chance to try and capture additional traffic that your competition might not be aware is out there. Using titles like "The Idiots Guide to Growing Roses" or "Growing Roses 101" represents an effective tactic for capturing people who often type similarly structured searches into Google, Yahoo, or MSN/Live.
Rule 7: Engage Real Experts
There are many people who can provide you with great industry insight, background information, and more. Even though your article or blog might not be referenced on a daily basis by major search engines, the AP, or other news sources, there are still numerous experts who appreciate being cited for their work or expertise within their industry. Therefore, use these people as much as you can to help support your argument or viewpoint. It will usually cost you next to nothing (aside the cost of the telephone call, if that is preferred by the expert) except your time. However, in the long run, it will make your content more authoritative and beneficial to the reader. This will be helpful for both your website as well as for the expert referenced (which is a good selling point to getting that expert to participate).
Rule 8: See What People Are Searching For
This has to be one of the easiest and time worthy activities of them all. A great utility to use is Google Insight. This utility allows you to globally see what people are searching. It is the best SEO tool out there when it comes to developing content because it allows you to isolate the keywords that should be referenced in your content and articles. Google Insight should not be used by itself. You should combine this service with other tools like Word Tracker and Google's Adwords Keyword Tool to get a good bearing on which keywords will pay off best for you.
Rule 9: Scare Them
This has been used for years by traditional advertising firms. The scare tactic creates the notion that if a reader doesn't immediately respond to an issue or ignore a problem, then the reader will fail to succeed or will miss out on a grand opportunity. By doing your research, you can find a scare tactic in almost any subject. To use the "Roses" example again, if you were to try and find a scare tactic within the roses community, you might do some research and find a reference that links roses to diabetes (I know, never going to happen). Although this reference might sound ridiculous, your title could be "Roses now linked to People with Diabetes". Over time, this will be disputed; however, if done correctly, you will have succeeded in your main goal: getting people to spread it around the web (insert dark menacing laugh here).
Rule 10: Have Fun
The most important rule to abide by is to enjoy what you're doing. Have fun with your writing tactics and SEO content needs. If you truly look at your content as more of a bait tactic than just filler, you will begin to see that writing is one of the most powerful tools to utilize today.
Guide Developing Quality Content Writing For SEO Content
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