Are you more concerned with the reader the contents of your site or just search rankings on search engines, regardless of the contents of your content, and focus on your visitor traffic?
Not Recommended Model of Theme or contents |
No really if you want to be on the first page positions on search engine results, yet today, search engines get better algorithms that they apply mainly to combat spam and content that is not worth reading. To it policy of the various search engines began a rigorous selection of their content crawled by their robots.
We have discussed in earlier chapters, that you are in need of comfort and, trust your visitors. all it would be useless for the future of the web / blog / your online business, if the distribution of quality content from the web / blog, do not you watch carefully and do not you watch, but the more you think about the competition order of your search engine rankings, with several things that are not good and true.
All of it like the law of karma in nature, if you do it, maybe at this time you will get thousands of visitors in an instant traffic, but it will not last long, and you will really feel the loss.
much better if you do not update at the close, however, your overall well-organized content, although this will effect make the web / blog, low Authority, but that will not be significant problems in the future, because the quality of content you are good, and you also gain the trust of visitors / readers you, in addition, it can also train your skills gradually in writing and managing content from the web / blog.
But will be applicable reversionary yes, if you do things that may at present look good and beautiful, and as if the web / blog you have a high level of Authority, as the number of updates the contents of the website / blog with a relatively large degree, but it was all a form of spam content, I am sure you will feel the disappointment, failure and huge losses in the future, because all search engines do not expect their search results contains the form of garbage.
The Panda update focused on a variety of issues such as
Quality. The search queries experienced a noticeable boost in the quality of the sites that were returned. In addition to this, the algorithm change Basically requires webmasters to focus on the quality of their site content.
Authority. Another change is that the Panda update allows for higher authority sites to come up with the keyword search. A way to do this is to make sure that the content on the sites is as god as it possibly can be.
Trust. Users can trust that the websites that are returned will supply them with the information they are looking for.
Credibility. Another thing the algorithm updated focuses on is credibility is the site considered a credible source for information?
As always, the exact nature of the algorithm itself is a closely guarded secret at Google Panda. This means that we can never know all of the details that will help us change our rankings.
For that you try to read and learn again about our writing, Building Trust Level, and understand the concept of suitability Topic by Content, And Depth Content, Spam Content, Duplicate Content, Keyword Spam and Use of grammar, spelling and writing style.
Related Caring readers or spam sites to determine search engine rankings.
See you on the Seo Google Panda For Dummies 7th Chapter.
I'm really liking the update so far. I think it's done a pretty good job of returning great results for most of my searches. It's also good to know that SEO companies out there aren't the ones that are dictating what web pages are returned to me when I'm using Google.